Carroll County Coalition for Public Health(C3PH) provides leadership and coordination to develop a comprehensive, effective, and well-coordinated Continuum of Care (CoC) for substance use disorders. This work includes convening subject matter experts and stakeholders to identify assets and gaps and to develop regional plans that initiate cooperative actions that increase awareness of current services, remove barriers to accessing services, increase capacity of existing services, and develop new services to fill gaps.

C3PH has completed an asset and gaps scan to identify resources, gaps and barriers that impact regional capacity and can help or hinder the achievement of the region’s statement for continuum of care development. The process for identifying regional assets and gaps included one-on-one meetings, community meetings and events, focus groups, key informant interviews and staff research. There were a significant number of gaps and barriers identified, as well as some various needs related to communication and collaboration across the continuum. Assets were identified using the Carroll County Substance Misuse Treatment Program Resource Guide, Carroll County Resources Directory website, the website, and through significant community knowledge and input. For more information please refer to the Continuum of Care Development Plan