Public Health Advisory Council
The role of the Public Health Advisory Council (PHAC) is to advise the PHAC Executive Committee by:
- Identifying regional public health priorities based on assessments of community health;
- Guiding the implementation of programs, practices and policies that are evidence-based to meet improved health outcomes; and
- Advancing the coordination of services among partners.
The purpose of the PHAC is to perform the following functions:
- Identify and prioritize regional community and public health needs.
- Encourage the development and coordination of appropriate community and public health services and programs.
- Encourage, promote, and support community engagement on public health issues.
- Advise the Carroll County Coalition for Public Health members on all major policy matters concerning the nature, scope, and extent of community and public health concerns and responses.
The PHAC includes a broad general membership that meets quarterly, and an Executive Committee that also meets quarterly. Current Executive Committee membership includes high-level staff representation from a variety of organizations, communities, and sectors in Carroll County.
Members of the Public Health Advisory Council are recruited on an ongoing basis. The following entities within the region shall be granted full membership rights on the Public Health Advisory Council:
- Each municipal and county government
- Each community hospital
- Each School Administrative Unit (SAU)
- Each Division of Public Health Services (DPHS)-designated community health center
- Each NH Department of Health and Human Services (NH DHHS)-designated community mental health center
- The organization contracted by NH DHHS to coordinate the Regional Public Health Network
- At least one additional representative from each of the following community sectors: business, cultural and faith-based organizations, social services, housing and sheltering, media, and senior services
- Representatives from other sectors or individuals shall be included as determined by the Public Health Advisory Council
- Ex-officio members, as determined by the Public Health Advisory Council
For more information about the Carroll County PHAC, please contact Caleb Gilbert at caleb.gilbert@graniteuw.org or (603) 301-1252 x307.
PHAC Leadership Team (Invitation only)
Meeting Minutes:
PHAC Annual Report
State Fiscal Year 2022 (7/1/2021 through 6/30/2022)
State Fiscal Year 2023 (7/1/2022 through 6/30/2023)
State Fiscal Year 2024 (7/1/2023 through 6/30/2024)
Carroll County Community Health Improvement Plan: 2021-2025
New Hampshire Regional Public Health Networks