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Dec 6, 2019



The Center for Excellence is excited to announce the launching of the 2019 New Hampshire Young Adult Survey!

We want to hear from New Hampshire residents between the ages of 18 and 30. The survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete and all respondents are eligible to submit and entry into a lottery for one of twelve $50 cash prize and two $250 grand prizes.

Here is the link to the survey:

The purpose of the survey is to understand the behaviors and perceptions of young adults living in New Hampshire relative to a specific health issue in the state, including the use of alcohol, prescription medication, and other drugs. The information collected will be used to help decision-makers in the state to develop and support health, wellness and substance misuse prevention programs for youth and young adults. The survey is:
1. Completely anonymous and does not record any personally identifying information to encourage truthful responses. The information from the survey will be released in summary form only.
2. Voluntary. A respondent may choose to skip any question and no longer participate at any time. Other than their age and current zip code, they may skip any questions they are not comfortable answering.
3. Being conducted by the Center for Excellence staffed by the Community Health Institute/JSI, which is a non-profit organization contracted by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. No one from the Department of Health and Human Services will have access to individual responses.

At the end of the survey respondents will be able to enter a weekly drawing for one of two $50 cash prizes (in the form of a Visa gift card or an electronic gift card that will be sent to the email provided). All those who enter the weekly drawing will have a chance to win a $250 grand prize.

Cash Prize Rules:
• Your contact information for the drawing will be saved in a separate location and can never be linked to your survey data.
• You may only enter the drawing once; duplicate entries will be discarded.
• Proof of age and New Hampshire residence may be required to receive a prize.
• Partially completed surveys may be disqualified from the raffle drawings.