What to do if lead is suspected in the home
Homeowners and first-time home buyers:
It is required by federal law that the seller of a home built before 1978 must disclose whether or not there are lead hazards in the home, prior to sale. This means an EPA approved information pamphlet on controlling lead-based paint hazards. The seller must also present any known information on lead-based paint hazards on the property. There must be a hazard/warning statement attached to the contract agreeing that the buyer is aware of the risks of lead exposure from lead paint on the property. This confirms that the buyer complies with the required notification. Lastly, a ten-day period is required for a lead safety inspection. This can be shortened or lengthened by a mutual agreement between the home buyer and seller, and it must be presented in writing.
→ New Hampshire Licensed Lead Abatement Contractors
→ New Hampshire Licensed Lead Risk Assessors and Inspectors
→ Certified Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting Firms
→ Lead in Drinking Water Resources
More informati on on lead abatement grants, loans, and resources available to assist families can be found at the New Hampshire Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program website.